Tabernas is the regional term for distillery. This expression is meant to make amazing raicilla available at affordable prices. With that, it is wonderful by itself but very approachable for cocktails as well.
TABERNERO José Salcedo Ríos
AGAVE A. Maximiliana (Maguey Lechuguilla) / A. Angustifolia (Maguey Chico Aguiar)
SOIL Rich, high nitrogen content
CLIMATE Temperate
VILLAGE El Mosco, Sierra Occidental de Jalisco
OVEN/FUEL Adobe and volcanic rock / black oak
MILL Hand chopped with machete before passing through small shredder
FERMENT Tinaco, wild yeast
DISTILLATION 2X stainless steel and copper
Aroma – Orange peel, oregano, green apple
Taste – Lemongrass, cinnamon, oak
Texture – Smooth, mineral forward with a spicy finish
UPC 613739980699
ABV 43-46